Deadlines icon Deadlines icon Upcoming Deadlines

Upcoming Deadlines Privacy Policy

Upcoming Deadlines does not collect any data from you whatsoever; all data remains local to your device, and we have absolutely no access to it. The only permission the app requests is to send you push notifications reminding you of your upcoming deadlines, and these are also scheduled and delivered locally on your device. If you do not wish to receive push notifications, even this permission is not required for the app to function.

App Analytics

To help us better understand how people use Upcoming Deadlines and to continue improving the app, we use analytics information provided by App Store Connect. These services provide us with some generic usage data that are completely anonymous and cannot personally identify you in any way.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or about the Upcoming Deadlines app itself, feel free to contact the developer at

Changes to This Policy

You are advised to review this policy periodically for any changes. By using the Upcoming Deadlines app, you agree to any collection and use of your information in accordance with this policy.